And hell, it's almost true and accurate!
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
(This is so true. Except for the confidence part. I think this is where the word ALMOST comes in)
Wow. This is like the one quiz that I couldn't argue much about it. Amazing.
(This is so true. Except for the confidence part. I think this is where the word ALMOST comes in)
Here is the analysis:
1.You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
2.You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
3.You strictly follow rules, and you expect other people to be the same as well. People can get tired of you easily, as you can make them feel a little guilty about themselves. You always make decisions on your own, and can be dismissive of other people's advice. You like to be the leader in groups, but can forget to be concerned about the people you are with.
4.Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
5.Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
2.You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
3.You strictly follow rules, and you expect other people to be the same as well. People can get tired of you easily, as you can make them feel a little guilty about themselves. You always make decisions on your own, and can be dismissive of other people's advice. You like to be the leader in groups, but can forget to be concerned about the people you are with.
4.Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
5.Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
Wow. This is like the one quiz that I couldn't argue much about it. Amazing.
I am now trying to start my assignment while bobbing my head with Lady Gaga-Poker Face.
I sooooo wanna go for a trip.
Baby is talking about a Redang trip in May. Just the both of us, or we're asking another pair of couple too.
At first we were asked to go to Club Med with another couple friend of ours. Turns out we'll need Rm1k+ per person. I actually wanted to go, but due to some short circumstances, I think maybe next year.
So, Redang for now.
So exaggerating *roll eyes*
Sounds a lot like me thou. Haha.
Btw, as you may have notice, I changed my blog skin! Loving it =)
O, and have you heard about the news where this victim of rape was found hanging on a durian tree?
Apparently, she was found hanging on a durian tree, clad only with underpants.
I hope it's not some serial killer thingy because it sounds a lot like a Ted Bundy.
I sooooo wanna go for a trip.

Baby is talking about a Redang trip in May. Just the both of us, or we're asking another pair of couple too.
At first we were asked to go to Club Med with another couple friend of ours. Turns out we'll need Rm1k+ per person. I actually wanted to go, but due to some short circumstances, I think maybe next year.
So, Redang for now.
At first, I thought it'll be like a group of friends trip, and I start babbling away about who to ask and stuffs like that. Until, MrTan shouted things like "OKAY FINE! ASK ALL OUR FRIENDS LA! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN FUN AND I HAVE MINE!" on the phone -_____-
So exaggerating *roll eyes*
Sounds a lot like me thou. Haha.
Btw, as you may have notice, I changed my blog skin! Loving it =)
O, and have you heard about the news where this victim of rape was found hanging on a durian tree?
Apparently, she was found hanging on a durian tree, clad only with underpants.
I hope it's not some serial killer thingy because it sounds a lot like a Ted Bundy.
Oh shit! Which bin tai lou did that!
I tot I went to the wrong blog after clicking ur link. Haha, nice blog skin anyway!
just read ur post about ur bf's bday...
ei, when are u bringing back ur bf to the lim's family gathering? we never see him before... intro him to all of us la... haha....
Don't know who. Bin tai kan? Some ppl are just sick in their mind I didn't keep up with the news. Thanksssss (:
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